KITA Communications specializes in raising brand awareness and managing the reputations of organizations and individuals in the global sports industry.
Just like our favorite athletes, we’ve put in countless hours over the years honing our craft so that when it’s time to deliver, we do – with grace, precision and maximum impact.
Gold-medal content creation, public relations, and more … guaranteed!







These days everyone claims they are “passionate” about their profession. C-level executives are passionate. College graduates are passionate. Every PR practitioner you meet is deeply passionate about their work.
And yet mere observation tells us this isn’t so. In all walks of life, we see people cutting corners, putting in minimum effort while expecting maximum return.
At KITA we think and act differently. When nobody’s looking, we’re still putting in the extra time and effort we think is necessary to do a job properly. It’s not a back-slapping or ego-stroking exercise, we do it simply because it’s the right thing to do. We take pleasure in making our clients look good, and who can argue with that?
Get in touch!
KITA Communications Inc.
18 King Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5C 1C4
+1 289 624 9989